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Out Our Way: Dust Eaters Unite

1 Corinthians 15:9 For I am the least of the Apostles ... At the round up and drives.

Out our way, as I have explained before, the folks in back who push the herd and eat the dust, are usually the least skilled and hands. Given the woke media's fascination with sexual deviations, to say I rode "drag" is often misunderstood by urban folk; so now I simply refer to my normal position on roundups and cattle drives as that of the "dust eater."

Interestingly, some of you have adopted the term as well, for the "dust eater" slot can be found in any gathering or organization, including the Church. But recall the "dust eater" is the one who moves the herd and keeps them rolling. I may have been a lowly dust eater working on the roundups and drives, but Big Mike knew he could depend on me because regardless of where they put me, I rode for the brand. 

The same is said of the Apostle Paul, who was a "dust eater" for the early Church. A former persecutor of the first believers, he met the BOSS on the road to Damascus and left his lofty position as point for the Enemy's herd, to become a "dust eater" for the Lord's. Saul becoming Paul ( which is Latin for "small" or "humble" ) In short, it is the Roman term for a "dust eater" in the world. Paul insisted on the name change because it is how he intended others - and especially himself - to see him. 

We, of course, due to the Book of Acts and all of his Epistles, view Paul as riding "point", which in many ways he did. But recall most of his writings were while he was in chains and often recovering from various punishments inflicted upon him by the government and his own people. (2 Corinthians 11:25 noting his being flogged, beaten with rods, nearly stoned to death) Eventually he was sent to Rome where the government had him beheaded as an"enemy of the State". Yet Paul rode for the brand and even in chains as the"chief dust eater" in many ways, he knew full well the Boss was depending on him. 

Now, as I have noted, some of you have come to realize that in this world and even in the Church, you see yourself - and likely feel others see you - as just a "dust eater". But it is us lowly "dust eaters" that make everything else happen. As I have noted before, without the "dust eaters" - the "point", "swing" and "flank" riders are useless. WE make it happen. You ride in the company of Christ's greatest "dust eater", the Apostle Paul. He wrote his letters from prison to fellow "dust eaters" like you and me to encourage them on the journey. One day, dust eater, you will shake off the dust of the trail and stand before the BOSS who will honor you as one of His most important hands who ever rode for His brand.

Tighten your cinch, pull up your bandana over your nose and mouth, pull your hat down tight, step up and start working the herd where the BOSS sent you. And sit tall in the saddle - you are the Lord's "dust eater" - riding alongside Paul. Not bad, hey hombre?

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Your fellow "dust eater" - Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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