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Out Our Way: You sell those things?

Matthew 7:1 'By their fruits you will know them.

Out our way, there is a lot of excitement and activity on the Tiger Ridge when the big cattle trucks arrive to move the entire herd to market. I have shared this story before, but I think it is worth repeating.

As many of you know, Charlie and I rode for Big Mike's brand, working his herd. Charlie on Jet and me on Doc, we spent a lot of time checking the fence and the herd. But on this day, we were moving the herd to a stock pen down on the flats, and it was a sizable number.

As you may know, Big Mike was a professional football player who survived many seasons in the NFL and obviously did all right for himself. He bought two car dealerships, leased several hundred acres of prime grazing land, and built up a herd of maybe 300-500 head, plus six bulls that made sure his cows had calves.

Now, the time came when Mike decided to sell off the whole herd and wanted to round them up for shipping. Given his size as a pro football lineman, few horses would be feasible for him, so he and his crew rode ATVs in the flats while Charlie and I rode our horses in the hill and arroyo country. I roughly counted about 70 head when we drove them out and down to the stock pen,while Mike and his crew with their ATVs said they rounded up several hundred. In any case, the pen was full.

Charlie and I got our bunch inside the stockade and, after wiping off the sweat, started to unsaddle and brush out our mounts. Charlie, the pro, had his saddle and blanket off in a few seconds while I, the greenhorn, was taking longer. While I was reaching under Doc for the cinch, I heard a low bawl behind me. I turned and there was a lone heifer in the field. So I tightened the cinch, swung up and said, "I'll get her." But Mike had also heard her and waved me off saying, "She's my cow! I'LL get her!"

Big Mike hopped on his ATV and roared after her ... for about 10 yards when the engine conked out. Mike was not a happy camper. I started to trot out - but he waved me off, did some fiddling with the engine, got back on and roared after the heifer. This time he barely made 10 feet. He was REALLY not a happy camper now - getting off and kicking the ATV, banging on it and letting the world know what he thought of it. 

I rode after the heifer now while Big Mike was taking out his wrath on the machine, and easily pushed her to the stockade, which was where she wanted to go anyway. All would have been well if I hadn't been such an idiot and called out to Mike as I rode past, "You sell those things, don't you?" If he was angry before, he was livid now! What a dumb thing for me to say - although I thought it hilarious at the time, as did Charlie, but he ducked behind Jet when he started laughing so his friend, Mike, didn't see). 

Even so - a faulty ATV from your dealership does not speak well of you or the product. And the same is true when it comes to proclaiming the Gospel. I read and preach the Scripture, but how I act and live is the real sermon people get.

I have shared ths before, but it is worth repeating. 

"You are writing the Gospel - a chapter each day;

"In the things that you do and the things that you say.

"People read what you write, whether faithless or true;

"So what is the Gospel - according to YOU?"

May the LORD have mercy on me for that I have said and done that betrays the Word of Christ. 

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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