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Love and Family

You know, Lord, had to 'eavesdrop' a bit when a small group gathered. One lad said, "Auntie, some lady gave my mom a silly calendar with weird things written by each day. Mom opened it, looked things over, then started to laugh and said, 'Laddy, would you believe on your birthday, in March, it shows that your day, the 23rd, it's 'Chip and Dip Day' and neighbor, Helen's day, the 1st, is Peanut Butter Lover's Day.' And look at this, the 3rd - which is Uncle John's birthday, it shows that one is supposed to wear red? Can we even imagine Uncle John doing that?" Everyone laughed.

Auntie continued: "Remember J.J., when they lived here, she loved brown shoes and if we look at 04 Dec. that's the date for her to wear them. Then the13th is Cocoa Day! Oh - look, there's a Homemade Cookies baking day, bet the neighbors will love THAT?"

"Auntie, you are missing one - it's called 'Celebration of Life Day'- couldn't we think about babies and little kids growing up?

Sarah laughed and said, "If you'd been in Sunday School with me last week, Ms. K, read us Psalms 139:16, which says; 'You saw me before I was born...Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.' Isn't THAT the greatest, even though we have no idea what our next move should be, our Creator already has the next 2000 million moves planned out, and He says, 'I know the end from the beginning.[1]' Ms. K. added: 'God wants us to keep in step with the Spirit. God will make certain we arrive where He wants us to be or to go'. Isn't THAT great?" Sarah added.

Love Mara


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