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Out Our Way: Who's riding point?

Matthew 15:13-14 - 'Every plant that my Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them - they are blind guides. If a blind person leads them, they will both fall into the pit'

Out our way, following the herd is not always a good idea. Out on the Tiger Ridge there are many cattle trails, and as I have noted before, the lead cow sometimes takes the wrong one and the rest of the herd follows. That is why Charlie rode point - not simply to guide but also to correct. I rode drag (as befitting my abilities as a really poor cowhand) and just pushed, but Charlie directed the herd and kept them on the right path. 

Now, as a pastor, I had to ride point for the congregation - and that terrified me, for guiding the human herd in the Way is a far greater responsibility than pushing cattle. So hours of study, prayer and reflection went into each sermon to make sure I was guiding the people on the right trail. 

Sady, we see the rise of the "Medicine Show Preachers" and the scandals as one after another was found to have guided folks on the wrong trail. They milked the gullible - and became rich and influential - until the BOSS exposed and cut them off. Unfortunately, a lot of strays were lost along the way.

When I was ordained, my cousin who had been fooled first by the Moonies and then later by corrupt Medicine Show Preachers came to assume ALL religious leaders were fake. The moment someone quoted Isaiah 30:21  "This is the Way, follow it", she went the other way. Eventually, the idea that someone could ride point who really did know the trail was impossible for her to believe. She died without faith I am told, and I grieve for her. But I also trust the BOSS who knows how the cults - foreign and domestic - had lied and cheated her so often she no longer followed any trail but became a spiritual maverick, a lone stray no one could guide. And He will judge with mercy. She deserves it!

As a cowhand riding drag, someone else was on point and responsible for guiding the herd, so I just ate dust but had no concerns about directions. But as a pastor, I was the one on point, and the BOSS holds me responsible. I followed the Trail and guided the human herd in the Way as best I could. When "the last roundup" occurs, I hope the BOSS will know I tried with all my limited abilities - and will forgive those times I pointed the herd the wrong way before correcting my error.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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