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Grief Poem - Their Address Changed ...

A guy left earth - make his kids sad, they said, "Dad was the best."

God gives us jobs, when done, He calls: "Come home, you need a rest.


The guy has gone ahead of us, not just left us behind.

Although we can't be with him now, he's in our heart and mind.


He liked camping, dirt bikes were fun, a hero and great friend.

Helping others, he did that, too, that all came to an end.


Alone, but never quite alone - we face an empty chair.

'You sure are missed, we love you still - just know we still do care'.

Some miles away, a young gal left, her family by her side.

They didn't know that she'd been ill ... were shocked when she just died.


It gave them joy to hear her laugh; hear her sing songs she knew.

And when they smile, these by-gone-days, bet she smiles with them, too.


We never said 'Goodbye, dear one' - but that is just as well.

We never could have said goodbye to one we loved so well.


Laughter, kindness, we'll remember precious moments, also.

When our dear ones leave us behind, to You, dear Lord, they go.


We'll meet again, but don't know when, t 'will be some sunny day.

Your smiles bring light, Lord, help them know, t 'will drive dark[1] clouds away.


Inside, our heart is aching, Lord, it never seems to end.

Their leaving has left sadness here, a wound that will not mend.


Remembering those who've gone away, we can't now hold their hand.

Their 'address' changed, they flew away, off to a distant land.


Left us behind, they flew away, no longer are they here.

We still love them and miss them much, to us they are still dear.

09-09-2025 - ©Prairie Winds

[1] John 1:5 (NIV). The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


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