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Celebrating History: New hospital on the way

Welcome all who are in Havre for Festival Days! There are many activities going on this weekend and there is something for everyone. Festival Days is a great tradition in Havre and one of the things that makes me proud to be from Montana’s North Star.

One hundred years ago, the big event was a fundraiser for the Kennedy-Deaconess hospital. The results of the event were recorded for posterity in the September 20, 1924 Havre Daily Promoter.


Enthusiasm Marks the Meeting of Friends of Kennedy Deaconess Hospital and Reports Progress

Prospects are exceedingly bright for wiping out the debt of the Kennedy Deaconess hospital in the course of the next few months and the completion of the institution thereafter according to the reports made last night at a banquet of friends and contributors to the hospital in the Masonic Temple.

According to the reports there has been raised in cash over $6,000 of the local contributions with about $7,000 yet to be paid in and with a large percentage of that sum collectable immediately. The Montana conferences of the Methodist church will raise $2,000, part of which has already been raised.

Havre’s total raise is $15,000. Rev. Cole and Rev. Van Valkenburgh will raise the other $6,000 needed to pay off the indebtedness.

A motion was passed last night instructing the board of trustees to distribute pro rata among the creditors the money raised as soon as the funds on hand total ten thousand dollars. One half of this amount is now on hand.

Another motion was passed pledging those present to pay up any thing now owing on their contributions just as soon as possible.

Dr. J. A. Wright presided at the meeting and talks were made by him, by Rev. Van Valkenburgh, Rev. Cole and R. G. Linebarger. Musical numbers were rendered by Thos. Rowlatt and the Ladies quartet. Rev. Conrad Wellen gave the invocation.

The meeting which filled the large dining room of the temple was most enthusiastic. A delightful dinner was served by the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church.

The Kennedy Deaconess hospital is today known as the beleaguered College Park Plaza.

The praise for the Havre Tourist Camp site continued. R. G. Linebarger, editor of the Daily Promoter, included a letter from a visitor in his editorial of September 14, 1924.


Havre is fortunate in having one of the very best tourist camps in the country. Its location is fine, its care is good and its equipment is excellent.

This camp has done much to advertise Havre and to create a good impression about the city among travelers, who take the Glacier Park and Theodore Roosevelt highways across the country.

The following letter received by the secretary of the Hill County Development association is illustrative of the fine compliments which the camp brings to Havre.

Dr. Charles J. Kinkead

282 Washington Street

Wilmington, Delaware

Sept. 6, 1924

Chamber of Commerce,

Havre, Mont.

Gentlemen: I have just returned from a double transcontinental auto-camping trip, and want to say that I found your camp at Havre the best of the entire trip, and to thank you for the privilege of using it.

Yours truly,

Chas. J. Kinkead.

Making an impression such as this on tourists visiting here, many of them men and women of means seeking investment, the tourist park is doing good work for Northern Montana.

The Theodore Roosevelt highway is now known as U. S. Highway 2. The Glacier Park highway went through the park but did not include the Going-To-The-Sun, as it wasn’t completed until 1933.

There was an election going on 100 years ago, with the various candidates campaigning and making the required speeches. Even though women had earned the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920, women candidates outside the Office of Public Instruction were rare. However, this trailblazing Havre woman was making history, in this letter that appeared in the September 16, 1924 Daily Promoter.


To the Voters of Hill County:

Dear Friends:

This is to tell you that I am a candidate on the Independent ticket for the office of County Treasurer, at the November election.

Through a spirit of loyalty to my employers, I did not file at the Primary Election, because Mr. Chester A. Young, Deputy County Treasurer, was a candidate for the office at that time.

I have had fourteen years business experience including work in the railroad offices, insurance office, Farmers State bank, bookkeeper and Deputy County Treasurer in the County Treasurer’s office. Montana conditions are familiar to me, having been a resident of Chouteau and Hill county for the past thirty years. I am a real estate owner and tax payer of this county.

If I am elected to this office I promise to decrease the cost of office expense, this can be done by decreasing the number of employees in the County Treasurer’s office, and with the approval of the Couty Commissioners investing the County money in safe securities which bear 6 per cent interest, heretofore all county money has been bringing 2 ½ per cent interest.

I solicit your influence and support at the General Election.

Sincerely yours,


Will she succeed? We will all find out in November!


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