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Agenda - Hill County Conservation District Board

Hill County Conservation District Board will meet Thursday, Sept.19, 2024, at 5 p.m. in the Natural Resources Conservation Service Conference Room at 206 25th Ave. in Havre.

The meeting agenda is:

Call meeting to order

Approval of July 18th Board meeting minutes

Public comment

Agenda additions

Guest speaker

Treasurer’s report

Old business

a.) Watershed Resilience Project

b.) Pollinator Grant FY 2024

c.) Pollinator Grant FY 2025

d.) Aerial Survey

e.) Working Group Meeting 2024

New business

a.) Big Sky Watershed Corps 2025


a.) NRCS 

b.) Commissioners  

c.) Houndstongue Weed Pull Event 

d.) Lions Status

e.) Invasive Species

Eastern Heath Snail 

Emerald Ash Borer 

f.) Watershed Meetings



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