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The Scripture Readings for last Sunday were Joshua 24: 1-2a,15-17,18b also Ephesians 5:21-32 as well as John 6:60-69.
The reading from Joshua presents Joshua confronting the Hebrew people with a time of decision. They are to choose which God they are going to worship. They can choose between the God who led them from slavery to the promised land or they can choose to worship other gods. Then Joshua states as for he and his household they will worship the one true God. The people chose to worship the God who led them from slavery.
The Gospel reading from john closes Jesus Bread of Life discourse. This reading takes place just after Jesus told his disciples that he is the Bread of Life and that if they want to inherit eternal life, they must eat his flesh and drink his blood. Many disciples choose to leave Jesus and return to their former lives because this teaching is so hard. Jesus then asks the 12 if they were going to leave also. Peter responds for all 12 by saying "Master to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God."
The Ephesians 5: 21-32 reading calls us to be "subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ." Then goes on and uses the relationship of a husband and wife to clarify what subordinate means in this context.
An interesting mix of readings to say the least. In each of the readings we are presented with choices that each of us must make. Choices that in all reality have eternal consequences. Choices that call each of us to submit to a way of living that puts us in the service of others so we can enter into a permanent loving relationship with God.
But that word "submit" is hard for us all to agree to!
I don't know about you but when I am presented with the thought of submitting to someone, I have the feeling of being "less than" that person. I know that is not what these readings are trying to impress upon me, but I wonder what it is that causes me to feel "less than."
Having spent some time thinking about this I have come to the conclusion that it is my ego that is getting in the way of submitting out of reverence for Christ. My ego says I must think about myself first. That my image and self-worth must be protected at all costs regardless of the needs of others. How can I overcome my ego so that I can submit to the will of God?
I believe that the beginning of the answer to that question is revealed in the last half of the reading from Joshua. When the people were confronted with the need to choose which god they were going to serve they responded with an attitude of thanksgiving. They reflected on all that God had done for them and in remembering this they realized that submitting their very lives to God was right because he had been so very diligent in serving them.
As the first line in the reading to the Ephesians says, "Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ." Jesus has indeed given us much. He has given his life for us. In fact, Jesus' example of submitting to the Father's will should be a prime example of how we are to submit to God's will for us. The Son of God has given us the ability to choose to live forever with Him in heaven. This is a gift of love given without conditions.
When a couple enters marriage, it should be with unconditional love. Unconditional love is an act of submission made out of thanksgiving for the wonderful gift of love they have received. Submission, when looked at from this perspective has no negative perspective because love without condition makes the participants in that love better people it lifts both of them up.
This perspective on submission is much like Peter's response to Jesus after Jesus asks if the 12 are going to leave him also. Peter (all 12 of the disciples) realize how much Jesus loves them and they are thankful that they have been chosen by God to live in God's love. They know that there is no one else they could go to that would or could provide them with the same unconditional love and forgiveness. They are willing to submit to the wisdom and love of Jesus.
Are we?
Deacon Tim Maroney
St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church
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