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Celebrating History: Off to college

It’s August, and much to the chagrin of school children everywhere, it’s time to think back to school. For college age students, it’s a time of excitement and opportunity. This article was found in the Aug. 3, 1924, edition of The Havre Daily Promoter.


George “Gid” Boldt and Archie Blair left yesterday noon en route to Lewistown after spending several days in the city interviewing prospective students and filling out application blanks for admittance to the State University at Bozeman.

Boldt and Glair were very successful here, obtaining a large number of signatures to the blanks and the two young men, both students at the university, created considerable interest, among local high school graduates and young people, in Montana schools of higher education.

The alumni association of the state university hired the two students to tour the entire state this summer in an attempt to get more Montana high school graduates to enter Montana colleges instead of receiving their university training in institutions of neighboring states.

It is expected the enrollment in the four state colleges will be greatly increased as a result of this trip and if so to the state university alumni association and to Boldt and Blair goes much of the credit.

The Chautauqua was in town, and this short article was an indication that the event was a popular one. It was found in the August 5, 1924, edition of the Promoter.

Large Crowds Attend First Days Chautauqua

The Chautauqua has been very well attended the first two days. Sunday evening all seats were taken sometime before the hour for the curtain and at 8 o’clock many were standing in the rear of the tent.

Monday afternoon and evening saw the same large crowds and with the excellent program for today another exceptional turnout is expected.

The program for today follows:

Afternoon-Concert, Vernon Symphonic Quintet. Address-“Give the Boy a Chance”-Dr. H. Lee Taylor.

Evening-Concert recital, Vernon Symphonic Quintet and Frank L. Cowan, American tenor.

Good news for the depositors at the former Security State Bank! This article was in the Aug. 7, 1924, Promoter.

Security Depositors Getting Certificates

Depositors in the Security State bank are getting their certificates of deposit for half the amount as rapidly as they call for them at the Hill County State bank, where they are now ready for delivery.

The new bank is gaining every day and the progress is most satisfactory both in point of deposits and in number of depositors, according to President George B. Bourne.

The local weather man also got some fantastic news, which was reported in the same issue.


C. W. Ling in charge of the local office Weather Bureau, received notice that under the reclassification act, his position was placed in Grade 9, carrying with it a salary of $1860.00-$2400.00 per annum with rank as Junior Meteorologist.

The first amount, $1860.00, in today’s dollars is $32,979.63, and $2400.00 is $42,554.36.


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