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A Libertarian message to Montana Republicans

I am very concerned about the future of our federal representation in Montana. The issues that plague our great nation were not brought about by just one of the two big parties. They were brought about due to the long-time cooperation between uni-party members, both blue and red.

Freedom Republicans have been staunch defenders of our liberties and have attempted to block some of the runaway spending and endless wars that Congress continually pushes. Unfortunately, these stalwarts are dwarfed by the establishment (uni-party) Republicans who continually fight against their efforts and actively work to have these voices of freedom removed from office.

Rep. Matt Rosendale was our freedom-fighter from Montana; he alone stood his ground on issues of irresponsible spending, protecting our privacy, ending the unconstitutional forever wars and other uni-party antics in Congress. It is highly unlikely that I would still be in this race if Rep. Matt Rosendale continued in the US Senate race and won the Republican primary. I could have rested, assured that we had that voice in the Senate – I would have just gone back to being a City Councilman and the fishing I love so much. However, he was pushed out of that race and then subsequently threatened out of running for his seat in the House of Representatives.

Who pushed Rep. Rosendale out of office? The Democrats? No, my friends, it was Sen.Steve Daines and company. Why? Because Rosendale voted by the principles of liberty, not by towing the uni-party line. They thought him uncontrollable, when they should have realized that, to have him vote their way, they just had to take the path back to adherence to the Constitution, the principles of our founding, and champion a small government and classical liberal philosophy.

The GOP leadership’s culling of liberty was not just an effort in this single Senate race, it happened in our State Legislature primaries around the state as well; we saw the Republican establishment put up big money to take down Freedom Caucus incumbent Republicans.

To my outside view, it appears that Republican membership here is Constitution and Freedom loving, but the Republican Leadership is the opposite. I think people in the GOP refer to them as establishment RINOs. Looks like it is well past time for a revolution in the red party here – Time to take back your party and elect those who actually represent you.

I do not trust that Tim Sheehy will represent us. He was hand-picked by Sen.r Daines from the same group of elite millionaires that fill our other federally elected positions (excluding Representative Rosendale). He is already dug in with DC lobbyists and their money. Can we really expect him to vote any differently from Senator Daines who has taken him under his wing and has a lifetime freedom index of 66% (compare this with Congressman Rosendale’s 100% rating)? Can this small cabal of Yellowstone Club cronies really represent Montana? Do they even have an idea of what your life is like and what is important to you?

Well, I am here (stuck in the middle with you) for the long haul, to give voters an option to choose someone who will work diligently to have the federal government leave you alone. I will fight against the spending that is ruining our lives and wallets. I will vote to stop the endless wars, to bring our troops home and place the power to declare war back into the sole hands of Congress as the Constitution directs. Most important of all, I will bring the principles, views and representation of actual Montanans to the Senate.


Sid Daoud

Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate


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