Ayden Owens
Northern Lights 4-H Club Reporter
The Hill County Northern Lights 4-H club would like to invite the community up to the Great Northern Fairgrounds to view all Hill County 4-H members projects they've been working on, you can view the animal projects July 18-20.
You can also support Hill County 4-H by enjoying a tornado potato, Wally burger, or a milkshake in the Chuckwagon. While your there be sure to check out the 4-H exhibits such as sewing, leatherwork, cake decorating or Cloverbud projects.
All Hill County 4-H members would like to invite market buyers to the sale in the Bigger Better Barn Sunday July 21st starting at 11 a.m..
We thank you for the continued support from the community for Hill County 4-H and look forward to seeing you during the fair.
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