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Our Our Way: I got ya, boss!

Psalm 23: 1 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ..."

Out our way, there are times when you really need a friend. If you are one of the few folks who have been following "Out Our Way" over the years, you may recall that tussle between Jack and what I believe was a cougar.  

Jack was a Rez dog who had tangled with a porcupine up at Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation A friendly mixture of who knows what, he was popular with the nursing staff at the health agency where the ex was a part-time nurse. On the day he messed with the porcupine and got a face full of quills, she called me to come get him and take him into town to the vet. Later we decided to adopt him and a bond grew between us. 

Old Doc seemed to accept Jack as well, and the three of us went riding along an old ranch road up in the Bear Paws. Suddenly Doc came to an abrupt stop, tensed up, ears forward, nostrils flaring, and eyes attentively looking at a clump of bushes and trees to the side of the road. He was clearly very nervous. There was something hiding in the brush.  

Well sir, ole Jack caught the scent as well and growled a bit - and then took off right into the trees barking loudly. Whatever was hiding in the brush immediately took off and raced as fast as it could to get away from Jack, who eventually came trotting back with his tongue hanging out and a smug grin on his face. Doc immediately relaxed.

Now, some folks said it might have been a deer or other harmless critter, but Doc's reaction indicated it was something much less cute and cuddly. Given another run-in with a lion when Doc had the same reaction, I figure it was a cougar. The vet had told me he believed Jack had some wolf in him, so his courage and reaction was not all that surprising.    

I made sure Jack got some extra treats - and Doc some extra oats - after that adventure, and I started wearing my. 45 in the backcountry from then on. In any case, I was sure glad to know I had Jack watching over me, as was Doc.

Now, David the Psalmist was also David the shepherd. Goliath was not the only one to discover what a shepherd with a rod, staff, and sling could do. Bears, lions and wolves had all discovered that a good shepherd on alert was not to be messed with. Thus, when he reflected on how God had been there time and again, dealt with the trials, tribulations and enemies David faced, the image of the Good Shepherd came to mind. I may be terrified and scared stiff like Doc and me when the lion came around, but like Jack, the wolf-dog and protector, the Lord was with me. May you discover that He is also with you!

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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