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USDA seeks nominees for five National Organic Standards Board vacancies

Press release

The National Organic Standards Board was established to assist in developing standards for substances to be used in organic production and to advise the Secretary on the implementation of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. Through this Notice, the Agricultural Marketing Service is requesting nominations to fill the following vacancies:   

• One individual who owns or operates an organic farming operation or employee of such individual; 

• Two individuals who own or operate an organic handling operation or employees of such individuals; 

• One individual who owns or operates a retail establishment with significant trade in organic products or employees of such individuals; and 

• One individual with expertise in areas of environmental protection and resource conservation. 

Appointees will serve a five-year term beginning January 2025 and ending January 2030. Additionally, AMS seeks applications for a pool of candidates that the Secretary of Agriculture can draw upon as replacement appointees if unexpected vacancies occur. 

For more information about the NOSB, time commitments, workload, and how to apply, please visit the NOSB Nominations page at

How to apply 

Written applications must include: 

• Resume; 

• AD-755 Advisory Committee Background Information Form (please note: while the form’s expiration date of 3/31/2022 has passed, it is still valid for use); and

• Name of the position(s) to which you are applying. 

Applications may also include: 

• Cover letter (optional), and 

• Letters of reference (optional). Reference letters will be accepted after the application deadline and can be submitted separately. 

Electronic submissions are preferred and should be emailed to [email protected]

 Additional information 

• Federal Register Notice

• NOSB Recommendation on Criteria for NOSB Membership (pdf) 

• About the NOSB - Current Members, Activities, Policy & Procedures Manual, Resources 

• Introduction to the National Organic Standards Board Microlearning - introduces why the NOSB is important to the regulatory process and explains how you can get involved.


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