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Pastor's Corner: Spring Is Resurrection Time

Welcome to the Season of Eastertide!

As I write, there is renewal of life on the prairies and in the mountains. We hear the robins and the meadow larks each morning. We look for the arrival of loons in Beaver Creek Park and snow geese flocking in wheat stubble and a tiny yellow prairie flower are signs of life. (No, I don't mean the dandelion!)

For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, Easter's resurrection story is reflected in Nature as winter gives way to spring. Year after year, Mother Earth testifies to the truths of resurrection in the cycles of life ... in winters' desolation the soil is rested and watered under snow, in preparation for the germination of seeds that had fallen to the ground as the plants died in late autumn. Birds (and people) who sought the milder temperatures of the south are returning amidst invigorating sleets and cold rains of the northern plains, knowing that warmth will follow them to their northerly nesting grounds.

The Psalmist writes:

19: 1-4

The heavens are telling the glory of God,

and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.

Day to day pours forth speech,

and night to night declares knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are there words;

their voice is not heard;

yet their voice goes out through all the earth

and their words to the end of the world.

Our lectionary readings in Eastertide, throughout April and May, speak to new life in Christ through stories and images of God's creation - human and non-human alike. People tell stories of encountering the resurrected Christ. In these encounters, they are suddenly awakened to a new worldview of discipleship. Mary Magdalene, Thomas the Twin, The Twelve, Simon Peter and John of Patmos give testimony to the power of the living Christ who makes all things new. The stories are rich in images from the natural world - a meal of fish by a campfire, feeding sheep and lambs, a city with rivers and trees of life.

God uses every way possible to get our attention! God wants us to experience life fully, starting anew each day. God's love overflows all around us ... waiting to catch our eyes with beauty and wisdom. Don't miss it! Get out there into God's Creation.

Sue King

Pastor of the Golden Triangle Parish, United Methodist Churches in Havre, Chester and Big Sandy


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