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Out Our Way: Homeward bound

Luke 24:13-35

Out our way, that final trip back to the table and the fresh hay, grain and water is an amazing journey. After hours of heat, and often cold, being baked dry - or soaking wet - both horse and rider are worn out. Doc and I both tended to droop a good deal as we finished checking the fence, herd, and pushing some stray youngsters back towards mama. 

I have shared before that sensation that comes when, barely able to keep moving, we crossed that last ridge and saw Charlie's red stock trailer and truck less than a mile off. Doc's head swung up and his tired gate picked up the pace. My weary and aching boy felt a surge of renewed energy and I sat up straight in the saddle. We were homeward bound!!!! 

We still had a ways to go - had some work to do as we unsaddled the horses, brushed them down, and got them loaded, but knowing we were heading home made all the difference. Charlie and I were exhausted as were Jet and Doc, but we all had a sense of anticipation and expectation in this final hour because we soon would be home.  

Easter is the highpoint of the Christian year when we are reminded that one day we too will be heading home. Yes, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, but we also celebrate our own. The disciples walking to Emmaus had lost heart with the death of Christ and while they knew the prophecy of His resurrection - indeed, had even heard of the women who had found the tomb empty and declared they had seen the Risen Christ - they didn't really believe it. So in despair and sorrow they trudged home. They had followed Jesus - had heard His message, and, for a time, believed it. But then came the crucifixion, death and burial of the One they had hoped was the Messiah. All was lost.

And then a "stranger" walked beside them as they trudged dejectedly along, listened to their despair, and then began to review the prophecies and scriptures demonstrating that they were now homeward bound on their journey back to God and to heaven, casting new understanding on them. He agreed to share supper with them, and in the breaking of the bread He suddenly revealed Himself to them - the Risen Christ. 

All the hopes they thought were false - all the promises they had come to believe had only been myths - turned out to be true. And they, despite the darkness of the first stages of the journey, were actually "homeward bound." That changed everything .

Historically, the "Ruler of this world" (John 14:30) and his minions have always tried to deny the idea of a "homeward bound" journey. I deal with people daily who face the last journey, and they need more good news than the Easter Bunny and colored eggs. They are on their own Emmaus Road - but with the Lord's help, maybe you and I can show them they are homeward bound and what lies ahead is not the Easter Bunny but the Risen Lord. Hosanna in the Highest! 

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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