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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

Easter Sunday

You know, Lord, a while back, a Sunday School teacher smiled as kids came in; she asked, "What Day is today?" All raised their hands, she nodded, all said, "Easter Sunday!"

"How did it happen?" she asked.

Jake spoke: "My Grandma's visiting us, she said that word comes from another language, means spring time or maybe dawn."

Judy spoke: "Our family knows that Day One was crucifixion, Day Two was burial and Day Three was when Jesus rose from the dead."

Joe: "I can't even imagine all that. My grandpa died last month. Daddy and I went to see him; Daddy sat, bowed his head, prayed. I went close to see Grandpa, I moved the covering; he wore his favorite shirt. I reached to touch him to say 'goodbye'! Oh! He was hard and he was cold! Can we imaging those friends of Jesus wanting to go in the tomb to see Him and touch Him?"

Jocelyn: "This Mary was not his mother, 'Twas the other Mary who found the tomb open and empty, told Simon Peter, 'He is gone!! Did someone steal Him?'  Later, Mary went back and was crying, angels asked her why she was crying; 'He is gone, I don't know where they put Him.' She turned; someone was behind her. He asked her why she was crying, she thought he was the gardener and asked, 'Where did you put Him, I'll go and bring Him back here'. The man behind her spoke, 'Mary!'  She turned and said 'Master!' Imagine that?

Joel: "Jesus asked her not to touch Him but to go find and tell His brothers that he had not gone away - just yet. Grandma said read Matthew 28:6[1] - Jesus arose!"

The teacher smiled: "Good job kids. Class dismissed for today. Happy Easter!"

Love, Mara.

[1] Matthew 28:6: "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.


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