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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

More snow?

You know, Lord, Sally Ann stopped by, mentioned that spring is just around the corner, but she was pretty sure that we still might get some snow showers. She loves snow scenes, all sorts of snow words, also watching neighbor guys and their kids, make snow angels and a snowman. She'd noticed a bunny, she called him a snow bunny, and watched how he hopped here and there, she didn't know where he hid out but the bunny didn't appear to be very cold!

She remembered as a child, one teacher had her class make some snowflakes using paper, which they were to share with their friends. That was a fun job. She also recalled at her grandmother's house; the house had many icicles. It was fun to reach up high with a broom and knock icicles off and pretend they might be popsicles. Neighbor kids liked those icicles a lot better than she did.

Scenery was also most lovely, waking up to a pure white landscape, seeing the mountains covered, and seeing part of their garden and garden fence covered with snow; seeing the near neighbors getting sleds and sleighs out to slide down a nearby hillside. She enjoyed that for sure. Yes, it was or is winter and there is usually wind – which isn't so much fun but at least there wasn't a big snow storm like friends some miles away and had to put up with.

Her favorite wintertime Bible verse is Psalm 147: 16-18; "He sends the snow in all its lovely whiteness, and scatters the frost upon the ground, and hurls the hail upon the earth. Who can stand His freezing cold? But then He calls for warmer weather, and the spring winds blow and all the river ice is broken."

Thank You, Lord, that You have created so much lovely wintertime scenery which we can enjoy and know that Spring is right around the corner.

Love, Mara


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