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Out Our Way: Barrow ditch theology

Isaiah 5:20-21 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Our our way, it's all two-lane roads. The road bed is made by digging a trench on either side and loading the dirt in the middle, packing it down, and usually laying asphalt on it. Now the ditches from which the road bed was made run along on both sides. Some call it a barrow ditch but others insist it is a "borrow" ditch on account of they borrowed the dirt. Either way, you have it on both sides as you travel the road.

Now, this time of year driving can be a bit tricky, especially after a wet snow and when the roads get icy. There always seem to be a few folks who lose control and start sliding toward the ditch. The natural reaction, of course, is to try to reverse course away from that ditch. But here's the deal: overcorrect and you end up in the ditch on the other side. As the early Church leaders wrote, "The devil attacks from the left and the right." If you take your eyes off the road and focus only on avoiding the ditch rather than getting back on the road, you will likely end up in the ditch on the other side.

In political science and the study of history, this is called "The Cultural Pendulum." If you look at the rise and fall of cultures throughout the ages, you see that over time most great civilizations fall into the "barrow ditch trap." A popular movement begins and catches the enthusiasm of pop culture. Most commonly it is popular among the young and immature who, as is normal for immature youth, grow rebellious against the "old way" simply because it is "old."

Quite often, they actually have legitimate concerns and indeed can point to errors and mistakes in the past. But then charismatic leaders arise who cease the movement and the power and incite the gullible, pushing past the legitimate concerns to extremes. But that creates a counter-movement that seeks to drive the people in the opposite direction. People, forgetting the goal is to stay on the road, are so focused on avoiding the ditch on the left that they race into the ditch on the right.

Read history. The abuses of the aristocratic elite in France gave rise to the Reign of Terror which was countered by the rise of Napoleon's dictatorship. The secularized Marxist movement in post-World War I Germany was countered by the Nazi party. And the list goes on. 

In every case, the civilization self-destructed and evil triumphed because the people were focused on the "barrow ditch" on only one side of the road, forgot the road itself, and barreled into the ditch on the other side. 

Oh Lord, how many times have I found myself in the ditch because I forgot to focus on the road. This is the Way. Walk in it. Remember again, "The devil attacks from both sides." 

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Brother John 


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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