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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.


You know, Lord, when we ask You to bless us or to bless others, we are asking You to impart Your favor, protection and peace. Blessings prayed for others have a way of returning to bless the one who prayed. Yes, we are born to die and several folks we know, have recently passed on to You. Can't we just imagine how John kissed his son, Fred, tucked him into bed, and said, "Good night, and God bless you, my precious son."

Then, years later, when Freddy was visiting his frail dad in the nursing home, he bent to kiss him and said, "God bless you, Dad. You have been such a precious blessing to me and my siblings and to my children."

John' opened his eyes, reached for his son's hand and whispered, "Remember, God keeps His promises, Freddy. And also remember that verse in Numbers 6:24 that we memorized long ago. You and your children are God's blessing to me." 

Freddy fought back his tears, stroked his dad's hand and prayed the blessing the Lord gave him at that moment, and then repeated Numbers 6: 24-26 "May the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you; may He be gracious to you, show you His favor, and give you, His peace."

During our time of grieving, dear Father, we ask You to bless the dear ones we know who have recently lost a loved one, a dear one how has flow off to be with You, dear Lord.

During our difficult time in grieving, we know that You, dear Father, reach out to us with loving, open arms, welcoming us into Your safe embrace. We receive Your love and grace, Lord, give us the Love, Mara


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