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Fair Board talks projects, 2024 Great Northern Fair

The Hill County Fair Board held its last meeting of the year Tuesday evening, where members talked about ongoing projects on the fairgrounds and next year's Great Northern Fair.

Fairgrounds Manger Frank English said they've received bids to rehabilitate the grounds' rental house.

Board Vice Chair Bob Kaul said they are still waiting to hear back from an insurance adjuster on the property, but once that and the rehabilitation are done, it will practically be a new building.

English also said new security cameras have been installed in the fairgrounds office building, as well as on its exterior, looking at the midway.

He said they have more cameras to install in the Bigger Better Barn, but they haven't been installed just yet.

He said the Bigger Better Barn has a lot of work that needs to be done on it, including installation of new doors, and handicap-accessible seats on the bleachers, as well as guardrails.

As for the rest of the grounds, English said, he's looking to have new metal signs made for all the buildings, though he's debating whether to buy them or make them himself.

Kaul said there are a number of projects that will need to wait until spring, including the installation of more bathrooms, and reinforcing the east wall and base of the horse barn.

He said the fairgrounds commercial buildings also need to have a bit of work done, which will eliminate any leaking concerns as well.

Overall, he said, the grounds' buildings are in as good a shape as they've been in a very long time, and most of the big projects needed on the grounds are either done, or on their way there.

For the most part, he said, it's a matter of keeping up their maintenance work as they complete smaller projects, though board member Ken Erickson said he thinks they need to focus on the Bigger Better Barn for a while.

English said dates for the 2024 Great Northern Fair have been set for July 17 to 21 and he's working on getting entertainment set up.

He said he'd like to start setting up entertainment two years out from now on, so he will likely be laying the groundwork for the 2025 fair this coming year as well.

As for upcoming activities on the fairgrounds, he said, not much is on the docket for winter time, though they are hoping to do one more escape room soon.

Further out, English said, he's setting up a concert May 16, though he doesn't want to disclose details just yet.

He also mentioned that the Bear Paw Junior Rifle Club will be storing their equipment on the grounds for a while instead of the Havre Police Department, and he's hoping to take the opportunity to work with them on some kind of collaborative event.

Board Chair Michelle Burchard, before adjourning the meeting, said the fair's finances are still in good shape and they will begin crunching numbers soon to see how much excess they have.


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