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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

Never forgotten

You know, Lord, it was most interesting to recently read a devotional about never being forgotten. The gal wrote how her kids wanted her to start playing the piano again; she mentioned that she had not played the piano for two decades. She was surprised, when she sat at the piano, that she even remembered, then feeling brave, she played seven different scales that she'd learned by heart, years ago.  She mentioned that those years of practicing so long ago, had imprinted the notes and technique so deeply in her finger's "memory," that they instantly knew what to do. She mentioned how Isaiah 49[1] flashed in her mind about How You, Lord, never forget any of us.

That thought brought to mind a friend who also, just recently, was asked by her two sons to come play music with them. She mentioned that, long ago, the three of them used to play Christmas music, or provide music for a special event for their friends.

The boys told her that they'd been invited to play some Christmas music at, what she called, a Manor. She had not played the piano for a dozen years or more. The boys still played music many times, guitar and violin. Years ago, Mama would join them, playing the piano. Like the lady in the above story, she was also surprised, once she sat down at the piano, that her fingers remember how to play - even though her eyes are going blind, she had memorized the songs her sons had decided the three of them would play. She praised the Lord, that He had not forgotten her - that she still could play the piano! Thank You, Lord, for such a blessing.

Love, Mara.

[1] Isiah 49:13-16 - "Sing for joy, O heavens: shout. O earth. Break forth with song O mountains, for the Lord has comforter His people ... I will not forget you ..."


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