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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

A thankful heart

You know, Lord, You give great kindnesses to us, reminding us of one of life's great realities. You not only deserve our love and worship, You also deserve our thankful hearts as everything that is good in life comes from You.

We can read that in James 1:17: where it says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. This verse reminds us that all good things come from You, Lord God, as You are unchanging and constant, a beautiful reminder to be grateful for the blessings in our lives.

With all You've given us, Lord, our gratitude should be as natural as breathing. May we respond to Your gracious gifts by expressing our gratitude to You - especially on this day that we celebrate with family and friends, this lovely Thanksgiving Day; we'll pause a moment to Thank You for the blessings we've received, like a good nights' sleep, a cozy blanket, a beautiful sunrise and sunset, a delicious meal, a hot shower, a warm cup of tea of coffee, and kind friends.

One pastor reminded us that we are to let Your peace "rule in our hearts," Lord.  We are to respond with thankfulness, Pastor also reminded us, in fact, gratitude ought to characterize our prayers. So, we pause a moment to think of some of the most enduring blessings we have received in life; it will be something different for everyone, of course, but it is an everyday blessing that we experience and one that we easily forget.

Loving Father, forgive me/us for the times we've taken You and Your blessings for granted. Create in us a thankful heart, so we will honor and praise You for all that You have done and are doing for us. Thank You, Lord for giving us a thankful heart.

Love, Mara.


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