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Brown Bag Lecture: Yes, it is sherds, not shards

Press release

Montana State University-Northern will continue its Fall 2023 Brown Bag Lecture Series with a presentation by assistant professor of biology and general science Kyra Kaercher, Ph.D .

The event will be held Thursday, Dec. 7, from noon to 1 p.m. in Hensler Auditoriumin in Northern's Applied Technology Center, and it is open to the public.

The presentation is titled "Mo' Sherds Mo' Problems? The Use of Ceramics in Archaeological Investigations." Ceramics, because of their durability and preservation, play a pivotal role in archaeology as invaluable artifacts for understanding past cultures. These vessels offer insights into ancient technologies, trade networks and social practices. Using sciences like geology and chemistry, we can look at the technology used to create these vessels, to better understand the people behind the ceramics. This presentation will focus on two case studies, the first from Kaercher's dissertation, focused on Islamic ceramics, and the second on our new project in Iraqi Kurdistan, the Rural Landscapes of Iron Age Imperial Mesopotamia.

Kaercher grew up west of Havre and graduated from Havre High School. From there she received her Bachelor of Arts in archaeology from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. She then received her Master of Arts in Archaeology from Boston University and worked at the UPenn Museum on the Ur Digitization Project as a research assistant and on the ASOR Cultural Heritage Initiatives monitoring destruction to cultural heritage due to the Syrian Civil War and ISIS.

She received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 2023 titled "Production and Consumption of Middle Islamic Ceramics (1000-1500 CE) in Western Asia: Regional Practices in an Interconnected World." She is now assistant director and ceramicist of the rural landscapes of Iron Age Imperial Mesopotamia Project. She has worked in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Bolivia, England and the USA.

Sack lunches are provided but limited, so attendees are encouraged to RSVP by Monday, Dec. 4 at . People can attend without having lunch.

The event is sponsored by the Northern's Office of the Provost.


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