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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

Transmitting truth

You know, Lord, sometimes unusual things happen when groups of gals get together. While enjoying tea on the patio, Lesha spoke up: "You know - a friend called, said Missy had lost her baby, not even one hour old. What a shock! I said: 'Isn't it great! Abigail returns to her heavenly home to her relatives until her mom and dad join her!' I don't know how that went over - but that's what popped out of my mouth."

Then Sal spoke up: "Reminds me of when I cleaned at a Care Center. One old guy wanted me to call him 'Grandpa'. He said he was on his way to heaven - I tried to change the subject - he insisted I check out Romans 10:9[1]. He was a caring, guy, so I looked it up. The next day he asked if I'd looked - I told him I had. He said, 'Sally, that is the jey to Heaven, so if you've read it and believe it - I'll see you up there,' and he laughed. A week later, as I left his room, he said, 'I'll see you later - in heaven.' Would you believe he died that night!" More than Sally had a few tears.

"I have one to share, too," said TeriAnne. "Ms. Vi was a stubborn, mean old gal. No one could do anything with or for her. My job was to check on her twice a week. One day I'd bowed my head, she looked, asked what I was doing. I told her that times were rough, that I was praying, and that I prayed for her, too. Quietly she said, 'You're the first person ever to say they've prayed for me! You are kind, how can I be like you?' Long story short: It took a bit of time but before she passed on, she became a new person, knowing that Jesus loved her, and now she loved Jesus, too."

Love, Mara

Romans 10:9[1] "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."


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