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Hill County Community Foundation taking grant applications

Press release

The Hill County Community Foundation is currently seeking applications for the 2023 grant cycle.

"The HCCF Endowment is a permanent resource for Hill County residents" HCCF Chair Pam Veis said. "Our goal is to continue to grow the endowment to ensure we keep wealth here in this area for generations to come. As the endowment grows, so do the possibilities of funding a variety of projects that improve the quality of life for Hill County and its residents."

All Hill County-area nonprofits are encouraged to apply for a grant. HCCF is looking to fund special projects that organizations are coordinating; HCCF cannot fund operating costs or salaries. Eligible applicants can request a minimum of $500 up to $1000 for their project. HCCF has a total of $7000 to grant this fall.

The Hill County Community Foundation awards grants in the following three focus areas:

• Arts and Culture

• Community Beautification

• Basic Human Needs

Last year's 2022 grantees were Havre Trails Inc., Court Appointed Special Advocates - CASA - of Hill County, Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen, Havre Area Chamber of Commerce, Natalie Patrick Foundation, Greater Havre Area Ministerial Association, Rudyard Community Commercial Club, Bear Paw Volunteer Fire Department, Havre Salvation Army, and the Arts and Beautification Committee of Havre Downtown Matters. A total of $7,000 was granted to these 10 recipients.

Since 2005, more than 40 Hill County nonprofit organizations have received more than $46,000 in grant funds from HCCF. More than half of that amount - $32,233 - has been granted out over the past seven years.

The Hill County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Montana Community Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is to cultivate a culture of giving to empower Montana communities to flourish. Through the power of permanently endowed funds, HCCF helps donors achieve their lasting philanthropic goals and provides Hill County nonprofits with sustainable income.

The deadline for applications is October 31, 2023. HCCF grant guidelines and applications can be found on the HCCF website listed below. Interested applicants can also contact Pam Veis at 406-390-4947 for more information or to request an application packet

• mailing to:

P.O. Box 16

Havre, MT 59501;

• calling 406-390-4947;

* emailing [email protected]

• On the foundation website at https://www.HillCounty .


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