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Havre Daily temporarily printing three days a week

Online-only Tuesdays and Thursdays until press operational

With the Havre Daily printing out-of-town until its press is again operational, its ownership has decided not to print Tuesdays and Thursdays until the Havre press is again running.

The decision was relayed to Havre Daily after a story printed in Wednesday’s edition, saying the paper would print offsite Monday through Friday, already had been sent to Kalispell for printing.

Havre Daily News Publisher Don Thoma thanked the paper’s readers for their patience and understanding over the last 15 months while Havre Daily worked through problems in the pressroom.

“It’s been a perfect storm of things going wrong,” he said.

With the fix in the works for the latest problem­ — the computer-to-press system that makes the plates for the press not functioning — and being expedited by the CTP manufacturer, Kodak, he said Havre Daily should, hopefully, be printing its own paper again in a couple of weeks and should have all the problems resolved.

“We’re hoping to be up and running again soon, even better than before,” he said.

For the moment, Havre Daily has made arrangements with The Daily Interlake in Kalispell and arranged to be brought to Havre once it is printed.

For the days the paper is not printed, subscribers will have their accounts credited for having missed a physical copy, extending their expiration date.

Subscribers can access the full website and also can access the e-edition, an electronic PDF version of the full paper, on their computers.

Subscribers who do not already have access to the e-edition can gain access by going to the website at , clicking on “Free Trial” to the right of the black bar at the top of the page, and entering their information including listing an email and setting up a username and password.

People need to be sure to remember their password because Havre Daily does not have access to those and cannot tell people what they are.

The subscriber then must make sure to scroll to the bottom and enter the image verification information and also must reply to the verification email sent to them after enrollment is complete to gain access.

Once the enrollment and verification is complete, the subscriber can go to and click on the “View PDF” button at the top right of the screen to view the full paper online.

People with questions can call the Havre Daily circulation department at 406-265-6795.

Thoma again thanked the readers for their patience, and all of the other papers in the state that have helped get the Havre Daily printed, as well as the staff and carriers who have been dealing with the issues, as well as former Havre Daily press operators Keith Hanson and Derek Vaughn, who have been helping out.


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