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Out Our Way: No time clocks on Tiger Ridge

Ephesian 6: 13 " Put on the whale armor of God, so when the day of evil comes you will stand, and having stood it all, remain standing."

Out our way, there are no time clocks or union stewards up on the Tiger Ridge When Charlie and I drive through the lower pasture gate, unload Doc and Jet and saddle up, we don't worry about watching the clock. We simply plan to do whatever it takes for however long it takes.

Some days the fence is secure and needs no repairs. Some days there are no strays to chase nor any need to push the herd to better grazing grounds. But other days it seems that anything that could go wrong does and it never ends! That day when "Junior," our new bull wound up missing and we had to scour the area to find him. That time, a black Angus with green ear tags was found wandering among the white Charolais and red Angus with the boss' yellow ear tags - and we had to find the hole in the fence, drive him back out to his own pasture, and fix the fence; and those times when a lone calf is spotted far from the herd and plainly lost. Those days are also part of the reality we face. 

Even on such days, Charlie reminded me that we don't quit just because we have been at it all day, are bone tired, and want to load up and go home. The boss hired us to take care of business and to stay at it until the job is done. Folks who want "office hours," scheduled coffee breaks, and a precise "time clock world" are not going to cut it as ranch hands. It seems the same is true of disciples.

The Apostle Paul, unlike the "Snake Oil Prosperity gospel" preachers who often become rich fleecing the gullible flock, never said discipleship was easy or the road to prosperity. Like Jesus, Paul didn't become rich or set himself up in luxury with servants or mansions or expensive means of transportation. He walked, he supported himself by secular work - what we now call "Tentmaking" ministry. And, like Jesus, he never said the way was easy. (Matthew 7:14)

In his letter to the Ephesians he warned of hardships and hard times that come with faithful following of the Way. Yet he also reminded the faithful that while buffeted, attacked, scorned, persecuted, and ridiculed. ... It was still the Way. And he also reminded them that while the faithful would endure - to what centuries later Shakespeare would call "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" those who stay the course and keep the faith who endure ... and having faced attack after attack by the forces of darkness, would not only endure, but prevail.

Over the years the Communist and Nazi elite who, like Marx. Lenin, Hitler, Stalin. Mao. Castro. Pol Pot etc., exalted the atheist Frederich Nietzche, who famously declared "God is dead!" discovered the Gospel message didn't die. Indeed, while they and their movements died or are in the process of dying - the message of Jesus Christ did not, but continues to spread. I recently read how Communist party leaders in Russia are admitting the Church is growing while their party is not. I also read that several new seminaries have opened in China as the faith somehow managed to continue despite the "Cultural Revolution." Is this true? Like Will Rogers used to say, " All I know is what I read in the papers," so only time will tell. But even so, facts are facts and despite persecution from the outside and deep corruption from within, the Church is transforming, but is certainly not dead. 

Local traditional churches are often losing members and even closing - but somehow the Gospel message continues to flourish. Loyalty to this denomination or pastor or congregation may be on the wane, but the Gospel still gets through. We are in the midst of a new reformation, beloved! Things are changing, and the Gospel Way is not an easy trail to ride, but daily more and more folks are saddling up anyway. How long will it take? Who knows? There are no time clocks on the "Tiger." But it is happening and neither Christ nor His "hands" will quit until the task is done.  

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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