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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.


You know, Lord, we read the note Ms. Rosie wrote the day after Easter, mentioning how fun Easter had been at her place with her kids and grandkids. Then, the day after Easter, how they had all set aside their Easter bunnies in those bright candy baskets, but once the baskets were set aside, the colored eggs began to fade and begin to rot, and "cute" than turned into a chore to clean up. Not so much fun, but furthermore, it is then that we should begin our journey with Christ again. She added: "On this day/week after Easter, we all may be weary or frightened that somehow, we missed the miracle. We live in our questions, our familiar spiced tombs of our own naming and claiming. So - why do we linger, why are we so afraid?"

She continued: "Hey! Listen! Remember, we were told the Good News! Now is the time to set out to follow Jesus once more. Follow Jesus, for He is the only One who can satisfy. We need to head back out into the world to tell the Good News, which is that Jesus is alive, He is going ahead of us into all the challenges of our daily living. Hallelujah! Jesus is risen! Jesus is risen indeed."

She added that her friend Nelson reminded her that we should seek signs of the resurrection in our lives and in our community. "Wouldn't it be great to write them down and share those thoughts with others," he said, then he added a quick prayer, "Lord, carry us into the Eastertide witnessing joyously, overcoming our fear by Your amazing love! Amen!"

We read in Mark 16:8, "So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid."

Love Mara


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