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Out Our Way: Cowboy up - Revelation 3:10

'Because you have kept My word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming ...'

Out our way, as the years go by, it seems the trail has gotten steeper, the dust blowing in my face thicker, and the winds are colder. I also am reminded of every "wreck" and "dusting" I experienced over the years as old aches and pains have come calling.

I am painfully reminded, especially when the weather changes, of times when I was tossed, stomped and occasionally needing to visit the doctor. Ah yes, I remember it well ... or at least have the reminders often enough.

But I also remember that Charlie and others reminded me that nobody gets through life unscathed and the issue is not if you are going to get hurt along the way, but when. And one more thing ... how you decide to handle it. You can quit - or keep going. As the old saying goes, "Ain't no horse that can't be rode and no cowboy who can't be throwed." You can lay there in the dust and give up ... or cowboy up.

I recall so many times after Doc tossed me, especially when sprained ribs were an obvious result of my sudden "dismount," and I was not only in great pain, but could not breathe and was barely able to move. I could just lie there in misery and bemoan my pain ... or I could start crawling slowly toward ole Doc, eventually get hold of the stirrup, slowly pull myself up, grit my teeth and swallow the pain as I managed to eventually step up, swing over, center in the saddle for the slow ride home.

Well, obviously, I made it, for while Doc had four left feet and was constantly tripping over himself - which was the cause of most of my "airborne launchings" - he also had a big heart. He never ran off and never resisted my crawling over to and up his side to get into the saddle. And when we headed back home, he took it easy, perhaps sensing my pain and seeking to get me back with as little pain as possible. I knew I could trust him and, although the pain was intense, my fears subsided once I got onboard and gave Doc his head.

Now, the Lord knows what He is doing - and calls us to life and not to an amusement park. You may never get hurt on a merry-go-round, but neither will you ever get anywhere. God does not call us to the carousel, but to the open trail to follow Him. He also knows that just like working cattle, life can be hard and often painful. Anyone who tells you the Lord's Trail is smooth and easy is a liar and likely working for the other side.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. But small is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and few will find it. Beware of false prophets, for they come to you as wolves in sheep's clothing ..." ( Matthew 7: 13 -15). 

Remember this as well - "Because you have kept My word ... I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world ... ." Cowboy up when the trail is hard. Get back up when you get tossed, even when you just want to lay there and give up. You are better than that. That is why God chose you to be His trail pard. Cowboy up! We've got work to do!

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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