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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

Christmas Message

You know, Lord, the old is everlastingly new as we anticipate the celebration of Christmas once again. Through that special event, Your gift of Your only begotten Son from heaven, happened over 2000 years ago, it is unendingly a pristine, a new treasured, message each year. Thank You, Lord, for the Christmas story in Luke, chapter two, where the angel said to the shepherds, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people."

Christmas Message - (Luke 2: 8-10)

G-od sent His only Son for us,

O-n Christmas Day without great fuss.

O-ne angel told the shepherds, stunned,

D–o not fear, go see God's Son!


T-hen multitudes of angels sang,

I-nto the night the Glory rang,

D-own to the Inn the shepherds rushed,

I-nto His Presence - all was hushed.

N-ow, excited, they cried so bold,

"G–od sent His Son as He foretold!"

S-hepherds marvel'd at this great thing,


O-f this they knew He was their King!

F-ar from the East, Wise Men came swift,


G-old, frankincense and myrrh, their gift.

R-oughhew was the manger site,

"E-xtol the Christ!" they heard that night.

A-cquainted not with sin, was He.

'T- was He who died for you and me'.


J-oyful, Joyful, OH! Christmas morn!

O-h! Happy Day!  When Christ was born:

Y-our gift from Him? - to be twice born.


Imagine, way back then – only His mother knew who He was. He came helpless into the world so that we can be able to proclaim the God loves the world. That is the Good New we are trying to proclaim, that God loves the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son. Thank You Father God for Your precious Gift to give us life everlasting. Merry Christamas!

Love, Mara


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