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Havre snow removal law listed

Staff and wire report

Havre Police Department has reminded people about the requirements for snow removal.

“As we gear up for a long winter, the city would like to remind everyone not to plow or shovel snow onto the streets or onto your neighbor’s property,” a release from the police department said. “Snow should be kept on your private property and/or have it removed by contacting a local snow removal service. Do not pile snow onto the streets. Below is the City’s Ordinances governing snow removal.”

The release also listed the ordinance in Havre city code governing snow removal:

“9-1-26: Removal of ice and snow

“It shall be the duty of the owner of any premises within the limits of the city to keep the sidewalk in front of or adjoining his premises clean and safe for pedestrians and with all possible dispatch to remove snow, ice and slush and other impediments to safe and convenient foot travel and to prevent the continuance or accumulation of the same upon such sidewalk, and in no case in the business district of the city shall the snow, ice and slush or other such material removed from such sidewalk be dumped, placed or deposited in the adjoining streets or avenues within two feet (2’) of the curb line. Sidewalks, in all cases, must be freed of the night’s accumulation of snow, ice, slush, mud or other like impediments within twenty four (24) hours of such accumulation. (Ord. 97, 8-5-1910)”


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