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Agenda - Havre Public Schools Board of Trustees

The Havre Public Schools Board of Trustees will meet Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Havre Middle School.

The agenda for the meeting is:

A. Call to order

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll call

3. Welcome to visitors

4. Presentation and display

• Achievement awards

5. Agenda deletions or corrections, and additions allowed by policy, if any

B. Unanimous consent agenda

C. Old business

1. Safe return to schools and continuity of services plan

D. New business

1. Consideration of out-of-state travel for high school Close Up student group to Washington, D.C., and New York City

2. Consideration of new and revised policies on first reading: 5251 Sale of School Property; 7625 Use of Enhanced Tax Credit Receipts; 8300 Risk Management; 8421 Lead Renovation

3. Consideration of Chemistry 1 as a dual credit addition to the high school registration book effective spring 2023

4. Consideration of early graduates

5. Consideration of HiSET — High School Equivalency Test — option for Havre High School

Public comment — An opportunity for any member of the audience to bring to the attention of the board questions or relevant comments concerning district matters not on the agenda. The board will not discuss or take action on items not on the agenda, but may refer a matter presented to a future agenda.

E. Superintendent’s report

1. Pax Haslem area report

2. Superintendent search update

F. Announcements/communications/information

G. Executive session

H. Closing

Havre Public Schools Board of Trustees will not hold a special board meeting in December.

The next board meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2022,, at 6:30 p.m at Havre Middle School.


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