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For the Record, Nov. 22, 2022

Havre Police Department

A theft was reported on Sixth Avenue at 6:09 a.m. Monday.


A 14-year-old was issued a summons after a caller at Havre High School asked Monday at 8:29 a.m. for an officer to look into a dug offense. No details on charges were provided.


A theft from a vehicle was reported Monday at 8:48 a.m. on Seventh Street.


A chop saw was reported Monday at 8:59 a.m. stolen out of a car on Second Street Northeast.


A truck was reported broken into and a wallet stolen on Sixth Avenue Monday at 3:18 p.m.


A 10th Avenue caller asked Monday at 4:31 p.m., and got approval, to have land in town used for bowhunting deer.


Officers issued a verbal or written warning after a caller reported a man sitting or laying in the eastbound lane of U.S. Highway 2 East at 12:34 a.m. today.


A vehicle crash involving a Nissan and a Chevrolet was reported on First Street West at 12:38 a.m.


Two reports of loose dogs being caught were called in during the 24-hour reporting period. One was held for the owner, and the other was taken to the animal shelter.

Hill County Sheriff's Office

Vandalism was reported Monday at 4:52 p.m. on County Road 34 South.

Havre Fire Department

Emergency medical technicians responded to three calls Monday.

Havre Animal Shelter

The shelter this morning held two cat and one kitten all of unknown gender, two female kittens, three male cats, one female cat and one male kitten, along with two cats in the trap-neuter-release program.


The shelter also held six mixed-breed puppies, a female Australian cattle dog-blue heeler, a female 8-month-old Labrador, a male and a female mixed-breed dogs and a male German shepherd. Additionally, a male dog and a male 9-month-old puppy, both mixed-breed, were being fostered, and five 14-week-old mixed-breed puppies were being held separately.


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