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Stand with anyone - if they are right

America, and Montanans in particular, are blessed to stand on the shoulders of giants. Fortunately for us, wise and brave leaders have shown us the way forward to fulfill the idea and ideals of America. While our country has fallen short of those lofty goals from time to time, those aims are true and worthy of pursuit. And America soldiers on.

As a young girl, I thrilled to the courage and wisdom of American leaders, long dead, whose thoughts and actions provided a road map to America, the beacon of hope to our world.

I didn’t dare dream back in 1962 that I would have an opportunity to play a small part in shaping that future. It turns out, I did.

Before I had a path, I had inspiration and the wisdom and grit of those leaders who blazed the trail. When I set out on my journey of public service all those years ago, I knew for sure I needed that guidance to keep me on the right road. I chose my role models carefully.

Abraham Lincoln was my go-to guy. He still is. We need him more now than ever. Montana would do well to heed him as we face deliberate confusion, corrosive division.

Abraham Lincoln, most likely America’s greatest president, said it best: “Stand with anyone when they are right, stand with them as long as they are right, and part with them when they go wrong.”

Imagine that! A leader who pledges to work with anyone who is right on an issue! Hallelujah, we have such an individual who has stepped up. A statesman, a leader tried and true is running for Congress. Gary Buchanan is that candidate.

Eastern Montana, we have an historic opportunity to shape the future of our republic, to insure the rule of law and to perhaps rid ourselves of the tyranny of the two political parties who have succumbed to cash bloat and deadly partisanship’s infamous gotcha game. Party bosses win, and we, the people, inevitably, lose.

Gary Buchanan, independent for Congress, represents that possibility to get America back on track. We need to seize this groundbreaking chance. A vote for Gary Buchanan, a win for an Independent candidate, is a deeply meaningful statement of support for a congressman who will do what is best for America, for Montana. A congressman who follows his conscience, not following party bosses who seek the annihilation of any view that does not strictly comport with their own oppressive view.

On a starkly practical note, consider the influence of a congressman who is not tied to any single caucus. Historically significant pieces of legislation are often close votes; that dynamic is certainly likely in the coming congressional session. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for Montana to be represented by a person whose vote would not considered to be “reliable,” hence taken for granted? A congressman who can weigh carefully the real benefits/ pitfalls of a given bill, not blindly following a toxic caucus? Imagine his opportunity to change the outcome of things when proponents need to actually make their case to earn his vote.

Gary Buchanan has the character and the intelligence to act in our best interests. Because, we Montanans, like Gary Buchanan are by nature independent.

I remain as conservative as ever I was when I was the chairman of the Montana Republican Party. But I do not recognize today’s Republican Party and certainly not its congressional candidate this election.

I have heeded President Lincoln’s words: “Stand with anyone when he is right, stand with him as long as he is right, and leave him when he goes wrong.”

I respectfully ask you to join me in voting Gary Buchanan for Congress.


Geise is the former chairman of the Montana Republican Party, former Lewis and Clark County commissioner, former member of Montana House of Representatives and former school board member. She lives in Augusta.


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