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Photography exhibit on display at Clack Museum

Emily Mayer

Manager, H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum

An unknown object in the Clack Museum's collection was featured in last month's column and has generated several responses and even visitors coming to the Museum to see the artifact for themselves! One suggested it was used to tighten something on machinery, another suggested it was homemade and had a specific purpose, and another still suggested it was a trivet holder, with the tabs on the back side of the artifact used to hold a ceramic trivet in place. All are plausible, but none definitive, so please give the Museum a call if you have any suggestions on what this mystery object could be.

One of the best things about the Clack Museum's new location is the inclusion of a rotating exhibit area, where subjects and artifacts in the collection are showcased for a few months. The first subject is photographers and photograph studios in Havre. A brief history of photographers and, if they had them, their studios, is explained on storyboards. Photographs and artifacts also tell this wonderful piece of Havre history, including a beautiful early 20th century studio camera owned by Kate Fleenor, Havre's first woman photographer. Also included in this first rotating exhibit are special tributes to beloved late local photographers Rick and Ruth Ervin, owners of R & R Studio, and Steve Helmbrecht, owner of the studio that is his family's namesake. Special thanks to Stacy Ervin Keller and the Havre Daily News for use of their photographs; they really make this exhibit meaningful to many people.

We are always in need of volunteers at the Clack Museum and Wahkpa Chu'gn Buffalo Jump! If you would like to lend your time greeting visitors, helping construct creative exhibits, or even guide tours at our 2,000-year-old buffalo jump, or help out with events and more, please give us a call! Our phone number is 406-265-4000, and don't worry if you don't have formal training or past experience-we will by happy to train you!

Please come see us soon-the Havre Photography Rotating Exhibit won't be up for much longer!


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