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Buchanan has Montana heart

I met Gary Buchanan almost 25 years ago when he worked at D.A. Davidson. In the years since, he became a trusted friend and advisor. Gary always tells you what he truly believes, listens and takes into consideration what others have to say, takes the time to educate himself, and can admit when he is wrong. For these reasons and more, I’m honored to endorse my friend, Gary Buchanan, as our next Congress person in the Eastern district.

As a former Democrat lawmaker and statewide elected official, some have asked why I would support an independent instead of the Democratic party nominee. Please know my choice has nothing to do with the Democratic candidate. My choice has to do with Gary Buchanan’s strong character, values and history in Montana.

Gary’s has worked with governor’s from both sides of the aisle, has worked to protect our public lands and clean water, believes in fiscal responsibility, and understands Montana’s history and common-sense values. I know he will listen and do what is best for Montana. I know Gary, his family, and his heart. There is no doubt he would make the best congressperson for Montana. Please join me in supporting and voting for the Independent candidate for Congress, Gary Buchanan.


Monica J. Lindeen is a former Montana state legislator and auditor/commissioner of securities and insurance .


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