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Agenda - Park board

Hill County Park Board Meeting will meet in the Timmons Room of he Hill County Courthouse Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting agenda is:

1) Approval of minutes:

2) Approval of agenda:

3) Guests and public comments on agenda items only and Agenda requests for next meeting

4) Cabin Business:

#8 Blackie Coulee transfer

5) Old business:

Comparison for forage resource inventory/assessment and actual use

Cabin inspection consistency and actions/consequences for non-compliance

6) New business:

7) Committee reports:

Rules and Regulation Committee

Finance and Planning Committee

Grazing Committee:

Follow up on haying/grazing plans for remainder of the year

South fence update

8) Group reports

Cabin owner’s report

Friends of Beaver Creek Park

Havre Trails

9) Superintendent Report

10) Claims:

11) Public Comment on anything pertaining to Hill County Parks

The next Hill County Park Board Meeting is Monday, Nov. 7, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the Timmons Room, Hill County Courthouse

Deadline for items to be placed on the November agenda is noon, Oct. 28, 2022.


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