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Dion's 'The Lot' Bullhook Blossoms featured yard of the week

Vicki Niederegger and Gloria Tilleman

Bullhook Blossoms Garden Club

On the corner of Sixth Street and 14th Avenue in Havre is "The Lot," designed by Scott Dion.

He took down the older home previously there and recycled as much wood material as he could. He started creating the attractive scene the public can drive or walk by to view at their leisure.

He planted 31 young evergreen trees, primarily blue spruce, Jack pines and lumber pines, just inside his new black panel 6-foot wire border fence. His grass is a lush green color that he uses to mulch and recycle when cut to place in a wire composting system behind his work garage.

Since 2020, he started adding interesting characters and art pieces created from metal by artist friend Gale Mork. Some of the yard art is from recycled material like tricycle wheels. Some are ferris wheel-shaped and and have wooden boxes the birds fly onto to eat seed out of as the wind whirls them around. Other animal characters are spaced attractively around the area, such as rabbits, foxes and so on.

Scott uses tree trunk stumps he has removed from the yard and carves out bowl shapes to place soil and annual blooming plants within. He has several inverted smaller vehicle tires he uses as planter pots, also. He has red yard chairs and red petunia hanging planters near a fire pit area to relax around while eating his red and black blackberries from a patch located there.

Scott has a historic flat, large rock that was decorating a homestead way north in Blaine County, and he has placed annual and perennial plants around it with a small brick border around those specimens. He has an elm tree for shade around a hanging swing area, also. A flag pole features a garden flag, but can be changed to suit any holiday theme he likes, such as the Fourth of July patriotic kind.

Several areas in the lot grow giant and regular-sized pumpkins in white and orange colors that he can stack in the fall on his antique show wagons. One wagon held a family of colorful metal chicken and rooster family members. One rooster actually was about 6 feet tall!

Another wagon was filled with 40 petunia plants of various colors. A southwest corner has an old coal car holding another petunia assortment of plants.

Sunflowers are guarding and inviting visitor birds to enjoy the yard as they fly in for birdseed he has near birdbaths dispersed around the exterior of the lots. A whole back wall of cedar wood contains many kinds of bird houses and feeders I personally saw dozens of birds enjoying while I viewed the yard over Saturday during Festival Days.

This lot area is a great viewing addition to 14th Avenue traffic going by. Take a drive that way soon to enjoy the visual beauty before frost takes some of the color away.

Thank you, Havre residents, for continually improving yards around our town. Your efforts are much-appreciated toward making Havre a most pleasant place to view and/or live.


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