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Eighth Annual Hill County Suicide Awareness Walk set for Thursday

The Hill County Local Advisory Council on Behavioral Health has announced that the Eighth Annual Hill County Suicide Awareness Walk is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 15.

This is an event that the LAC and it's members have been promoting for years and seeks to raise awareness about suicide as an issue and destigmatize seeking help for mental and behavioral health issues that can push a person toward suicidal ideation.

The LAC in general seeks to destigmatize mental and behavioral health in general and this walk is one of the ways they do that.

"As in years past, we will gather around the clock tower in the Cowan Hall Courtyard on the MSU-Northern campus, after 6:30 p.m.," a release from LAC Vice-Chair Amber Spring said. "Speakers will begin at 7 p.m." 

The release says this year's focus is on 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and following the talk, community members will have the opportunity to share their stories of how suicide has affected their lives. 

The walk will last a "gentle mile" following the speakers, the release says.

It says people looking to learn more about suicide and mental illness along with skills to help save someone's life, should consider attending a Question. Persuade. Refer. Training.

"I will be facilitating a training on Sept. 30 from noon-2 p.m.," Spring says in the release. "The training is two hours long and your certification will be good for two years."

The location of this training is to be determined, the release says, and those looking to register, can email Spring at [email protected] .


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