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Letter to the Editor - Why put a sin tax on medicine?


The Hill County Commission has decided to put a 3 percent sin tax for medical and recreational marijuana use on the upcoming ballot. I have no problem with a sin tax on recreational marijuana just like tobacco and alcohol. I just can’t figure how in good conscious the commission can single out people suffering from cancer, PTSD and many other ailments and say their prescription drug should have an additional tax added to it. Aren’t they suffering and paying enough already? Voters in Montana approved marijuana as a valid medical treatment in 2004 and again in 2016. I realize not everyone agrees marijuana is a valid or safe prescription. But, there are people who don’t think Oxycodone or statins are either. Maybe the commission should consider putting a sin tax on Viagra. After all someone might use this prescription while engaging with a prostitute.

Raela Hulett



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