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Letter to the Editor - Look for the right solution to deer 'problem'


I would like to address the city officials about the deer “problem” solutions you have suggested. I quote “problem” because it is not a problem for me personally. I enjoy seeing nature and I enjoy sharing my space with them. I strongly feel this is not just a planet for humans. If the deer bother me, I should move to the big city. I am not interested in doing that. I am not sure what kind of problems others are having with them, but if they are in areas that they “really need” to stay out of then I am sure there are more humane ways to alter that besides killing them with a bow and arrow and/or gun. I strongly feel that they have just as much right to be here as we humans do, probably more.

I was really hoping the city would consider this as you looked for a solution. I know you probably went to FWP for solutions. It seems to me, most of the time, their solution is always the same ... just kill them. The Humane Society is an organization who should be consulted first in my opinion. I did in fact consult a friend who works for the Humane Society for his thoughts. Here is what he gave me as a quick response. “The deer situation usually requires community agreement to not feed them and to haze them. But it is hard because they find more water and tasty plants in town. But organized hazing, if done consistently, can keep them out of a neighborhood or creek drainage.” If more information is wanted/needed, I would be happy to help get you in contact with the right person/people.

This solution sounds a whole lot better than killing them. Like I said...humans need to check themselves in these situations. What makes us think we know better than Mother Nature? Just my opinion.

Renelle Braaten



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