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Letter to the Editor - Should we cheer killing babies?

Dear editor,

Since the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on overturning Roe vs Wade on abortion, the liberal Democrats have screamed how their “rights” have been violated.

They — the liberals — use terms such as “It’s my body” or pro-choice. Not once have I heard any of them say they have “the right to kill my baby.”

You will never hear them say “The constitution says I can murder my baby if I want.”

The liberals will tell you it is inhumane to execute convicted killers by capital punishment. Save the killers, kill our babies.

The liberals will tell you we need to ban those assault rifles to “save” our children, but it’s OK for the surgeon to rip apart your baby during your “killing spree.”

Sen. Diane Sands, D-Missoula, told one protesting crowd to “cheer for Montana abortion providers and their supporters.”

Cheer on the killing of our babies? God help us all.

I write this for those who cannot speak out.

I write this for those whose screams cannot be heard from within.

Jeff Dibblee



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