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Memorial Day weekend events set

This weekend will see many celebrations as a nod to the start of summer and to honor members of the military who died while serving their country.

The weekend starts tonight with the All American Memorial Day Kick-off Party at Great Northern Fairgrounds. The event runs 5 p.m. to midnight and is free an open to the public. The evening will feature and Honor Guard posting of colors, a car and motorcycle show-and-shine, food vendors and a pet parade.

For those people open to a little friendly competition, organizers are also including a watermelon-eating contest and a barbecue competition with prizes awarded for best burgers and hotdogs.

The evening’s entertainment will be live music by Shades of Blue and Mable’s Rage, with a full bar open for patrons.

For more information, people can contact Frank at 406-265-3675.

Saturday is the Eagles Club annual Montana Wounded Warrior Poker Run and Fundraiser that is a local tradition for motorcyclists, but is also open to anyone traveling in cars and pickup trucks, as well.

People can start registering at 9 a.m. at the Havre Eagles Club for $20 per poker hand, but also enjoy a breakfast by the club’s Women’s Auxiliary for a free-will donation. The ride begins at 10 a.m. and travels to PEP’s in Big Sandy; the VFW Clubhouse in Fort Benton, where lunch will be available; The Grand in Chester; Spencer’s Hi-Way Bar & Grill in Hingham; Fresno Tavern west of Havre, and back to Havre Eagles Club.

The poker run will have a payout of $200 for highest hand and $50 for lowest hand, and other fundraisers will include a silent auction, live auction, 50/50 drawing, bonus raffle and flag auction.

The evening entertainment, with a cover charge at the door, will include a pulled pork barbecue dinner for $12, or free for registered participants, and live music from Mable’s Rage and Steelin.

For information on the event contact Les, 406-879-6873, or Carp, 406-399-0632.

Also starting Saturday but running through Monday is the 42 Annual Blackpowder Shoot at Fort Assinniboine, with registration at 8 a.m. and competition at 9:30 a.m. each day. Admission for spectators is free.

Memorial Day Monday will see the Flag Ceremony and Wreath Laying at Hill County Courthouse. The ceremony starts at 11 a.m. and will include the flag raising ceremony by the local Scout troop, National Anthem, Honor Guard and Flag Line, a reading of the names of 2021-2022 veteran decedents and a wreath laying on the memorial.

A soup and jambalaya luncheon following the ceremony will be held at the Havre Elks Lodge.


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