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Out Our Way: Cecil's Winchester - Zechariah 2:8-9

Out our way, aside from a few coyotes and the occasional mountain lion, we didn't see many predators. But it's not the same everywhere. Years ago riding on the Empire ranch in the "Wyobraska" panhandle, there were a lot of coyotes around. Riding with the owner one day, he pointed out that when he rode with his Winchester, the coyotes took off at his approach. But, he pointed out, the various Angus and longhorns he was raising did not - and even the calves tended to be relaxed. Both the coyotes and calves knew Cecil. 

Cecil was a dead-eye shot and many a coyote pelt ended stretched out when they got too close - and so they knew better. He didn't always check the herds carrying his rifle, but when he did, the coyotes scattered. They knew you didn't mess with Cecil's Winchester. And if there were coyotes around and the herd started getting nervous, the sight of Cecil riding up the trail calmed them down. Sooner or later, Cecil and his Winchester always showed up. 

Then, as now, Israel was always on full alert for the whole world seemed to be against her. Constant raids and invasions were the norm and her kings were constantly at war. There were ups and downs, but in the end, the Israelites always ended up victorious when they stayed close to God. Sometimes the time of deliverance was short - David and Goliath for example. But sometimes the times of deliverance were long - years, centuries and even millenia.

The land of Israel was destroyed and given to others around 70 AD and it was not until 1948 the nation was reformed and the homeland restored. Yet Israel did not die. Unlike other nations and cultures that faced similar fates and exile, Israel did not fade away. Though no longer recognized as a nation, Israel continued.

For nearly 2000 years, the cry of the Psalmist [Psalm 13] went out. Even today the video by Michael Card based on the Psalm still echoes the pain, sorrow, and frustration of seemingly abandoned people. But they were not abandoned. The prophets and scriptures promised God was on the way - and so He was.

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed as having at last been restored. 

What of Israel's enemies? The Assyrians, Hittites, Philistines to name a few ... where are they? Mighty Babylon? The Roman Empire? The Nazis? Their descendants and ruins from their glory days can be found, but their dominion on earth is long gone. Yet Israel continues. Why? The prophets like Zechariah knew, spoke the truth, and their words were proven true.

The coyotes out in the sand

hills of the Empire Ranch got the message about Cecil and his Winchester, and passed it along. Few coyotes dared approach within rifle range and so it had been years since he had actually shot one. Of course, there may well have been some "young pups" who dismissed their elders' warnings as old-fashioned fantasies of an unenlightened generation. One can imagine them laughing at "the old ignoramuses" who actually believed the myth of Cecil's Winchester. And if so, soon fresh pelts would be stretched out by the ranch house as Cecil cleaned his rifle. 

"Young pups" may scoff at God and the promises He has made to never desert His people - and it is very true that like the Psalmist, we may be discouraged and cry out in despair, asking God, "How Long?" But God always shows up. Zechariah and many others did not live to see the fulfillment of the promises, but they believed in them and hung on ... and in time those promises were delivered. They always have been. The 18th of this month was the day Israel celebrated that truth - and so can we all.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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