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Letter to the Editor - Honoring public servants during Public Service Recognition Week


Public Service Recognition Week, May 1-7, is a time to honor and celebrate past and present public servants across the local, state and federal levels.

Recently, public servants have dedicated themselves to keeping our country running while simultaneously dealing with the challenges of a global pandemic. Many, including teachers, nurses, firefighters, law enforcement officers, public transport workers and more, risked their health to serve the American people.

Beyond the pandemic, we depend on public servants to protect lives and liberty, such as civilian defense employees to support our military; meteorologists to alert us to treacherous weather conditions; scientists to develop and assess the safety of new cures for cancers and diseases; federal law enforcement and intelligence officers to protect us from foreign and domestic threats to our physical security; prosecutors and judges to uphold the laws; postal workers to keep our communities connected; revenue agents to ensure we have the funds to carry out these missions, and much more.

We are very proud of the more than 25,000 active and retired federal and postal employees currently living in Montana.

Throughout the year, but especially during Public Service Recognition Week, Americans should express our thanks for these hard-working public servants.

Thank you again for your service.

Leland “Wally” Walbruch, Kalispell

President, Montana Federation of National Active and Retired Federal Employee Associaton


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