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When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. Matthew 26:30. We sang some great hymns for Easter last Sunday. "Jesus Christ is Risen Today," "Christ Has Risen, Alleluia", "Bread of Life from Heaven". Some other great hymns are "Be Thou My Vison,","Crown Him with Many Crowns," "Amazing Grace,", "How Great Thou Art," just to name a few. Do you know the definition of the word hymn? It's not simply a song we sing about God or Jesus, but it is one to Him. It means "to laud," to celebrate God in Song."
Hymn is the Greek word humneo, used in Matthew 26:30 when Jesus and his followers ate the Passover meal together a few hours before Jesus's arrest. The final act of worship they participated in was to honor God in song. Imagine what was in Jesus's heart at this moment.
Jesus knew what was coming: betrayal by one of his own closest friends, arrest under false pretenses, a whipping that had killed weaker men, and then crucifixion---the cruelest form of execution imaginable.
Jesus knew that in less than twenty-four hours the Father would turn His face away from Jesus as He became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). Yet He still sang adoration to God.
Our Savior dreaded the cross and the darkness of God's rejection. Yet in that anguish of His soul, Jesus worshipped the Father. And the Father listened. Can we do the same? So that before, during, and after our darker trials, we too can raise our voices and extol God in song. It's the highest form of faith.
Here is a faith step for you. Find a hymn you can sing or say to God. Such as, "How Great Thou Art," "Lord I lift Your Name on High," or "Jesus Loves Me."
Easter Response Litany
P: We thought the story was finished. We thought hope had ended.
P: We thought that when the tomb was sealed, that was it.
But this is it:
C: The story has just begun; hope is nearly born; the tomb is
Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!
Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!
Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Pastor Michael O'Hearn
Hi-Line Lutheran Churches
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