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HRDC adult education director looking for tutors

District 4 Human Resources and Development Council's operations proceed in 2022 with Adult Eduction Director Tricia Williams Ferry settling in to her new role at the organization and looking for volunteer tutors.

Ferry has been at the position since June of last year and her department has been working closely with HRDC's employment and training department to get adults, young and otherwise, ready for work or higher education.

She said adult education is not new ground for her, as she taught for eight years at the Shelby private prison before working as a legal secretary.

She said she was born in Havre and returned in 2012, taking this position last year because she wanted the chance to get back to working with students.

Ferry said her department works primarily at getting students ready for their HiSET exams, which give students the equivalent of a General Education Degree.

She said the only functional difference between HiSET and a GED is that the former follows Montana's Common Core standards, and is nationally recognized as just as good as a GED.

"I've always been a believer in education, that that is the first step to moving on to any other goals a person has," she said.

She said she's been particularly focused on getting as many young adults involved as possible, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused a rise in dropout rates in the area.

Ferry said getting students in to classes for the HiSET as soon as possible is critical, because the fresher education is in their minds, the easier it is to prepare and pass.

She said HiSET preparations are free and through a United Way grant HRDC is able to pay for the exam itself as well.

Aside from HiSET preparation, she also said her department helps students prepare for college, providing an opportunity for students that aren't confident in skills like math or writing to brush up before going to college.

Ferry said her program doesn't have openings for any more staff, but they do have room for volunteers, particularly tutors, who she said can be extremely helpful for students.

"That would be wonderful," she said.

She said anyone interested in her department's services can call HRDC at 406-265-6743 or seek them out at community events, since they often have a table set up.


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