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Thanks to all on help with Denton fire

November 30, 2021; 11:26PM


When the page came in, we were only 34 minutes away from the 1st of December and Denton’s volunteer firemen were thinking the wildland fire season should be over.

Unfortunately, Denton Fire was about to face their greatest challenge yet of this difficult fire season.

It’s painful and difficult to recall all the events spawned out of the night of November 30th nor is that the intent of this letter. Rather, this letter is to shine a light on one of the most amazing organizations ever dreamed up by some very prescient folks. We’re speaking of the Montana Mutual Aid Network, an apparatus that can be activated when public safety departments are overwhelmed, undermanned and desperate for help. In this case, the mutual aid first helped by asking nearby departments to assist with fighting the fire. Small volunteer departments who send whatever they can to help. This altruism causes no small concern to those fire chiefs who need to weigh their ability to respond to needs in their own districts. Nonetheless, they came and a warrior’s effort was made to protect people and property.

Ultimately, weather and dry conditions ruled the day and the West Wind Fire would try again to consume all in her path. At the same time, County and State disaster officials were putting out calls for help to a larger area and the call was answered by many firefighting crews from all over the state who responded with structure equipment, large water tenders and countless brush trucks. To the crews who told their families they wouldn’t be home for dinner and drove equipment from hundreds of miles away in buffeting winds to come to our aid.

THANK YOU and your families who shared you with us.

Finally, we don’t want to leave out the dozens if not hundreds of people who are not part of the Mutual Aid System but came to our aid with their own equipment or brought drinking water and food to haggard firefighters. They started organizing the relief outreach and in general just started checking on people. We are humbled and appreciate you.


In the end, there was great loss and damage to Denton and the surrounding community. In a year when moisture and animal feed is so scarce, the final outcome is nothing short of heartbreaking. But, there was no loss of life or even a significant injury and for that we are so very grateful. We were recipients of what makes living and working in Montana so special.

Sincerely and with great respect,

Denton Fire Chief Mike DeVries

Fergus County DES Coordinator Ryan Peterson

Fergus County Sheriff Rick Vaughn


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