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In 2020, we couldn’t see a safe way to move forward with the Community Thanksgiving Dinner as life was full of uncertainties. Out of concern and respect for the health of the members of our community, we made the difficult decision to cancel the dinner.
This year, we re-assessed the situation and made the choice to continue with the delivery of the meals, but not sit together in the dining room, instead we handed out grab and go meals.
The team accomplished the goal of preparing a traditional Thanksgiving meal; we boxed 855 meals, more than half were delivered and the rest were picked up at the Parish Center. As in years past, leftovers were delivered to the Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen for their ministry.
Each year I listen to the voices of volunteers offering praise for the anonymous donor and to the Parish Community of St. Jude Thaddeus for the use of their Parish Center. I am grateful to Alan, he is the glue which keeps the dinner going, he has been an integral part of the dinner for decades. This community is blessed by the volunteers at the Senior Citizens Center, as they record all the meal reservations. I am thankful for the partnership with the team at Gary & Leo’s IGA, for each year they cook the pies, the rolls, and the turkeys. The meal delivery system is not possible without the dynamic duo of Gus Sharp and Brent Melle. I am grateful for my supportive family.
Finally, my deepest gratitude to all the volunteers who gave of themselves during this Thanksgiving Holiday. It is truly a remarkable gift to share your time, talent, and love for people you may never meet.
Many times, we hear the statement “volunteerism is love in motion”, this sentiment was true this 2021 Thanksgiving Holiday. I wish everyone a blessed 2021 Christmas Season and best wishes for health and happiness in 2022.
Deb Rhines
Havre Community Thanksgiving Dinner Chairwoman
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