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Out our way, when Charlie and I were going to work cows up on the Tiger Ridge, there were preliminaries to be done before we mounted up. We unloaded Doc and Jet from the trailer and tied them off on the side of the trailer. We then got out brushes and combs and curried them before laying the blanket flat and smooth on their backs. Then we got the saddle on, adjusted it so it fit snug and right - and then cinched them tight.
We checked the hooves to make sure they were clear and no small rocks or pebbles would be an issue, then replaced the halter with the bit and bridle and led them around for a bit to make sure everything was sitting properly and all was ready. Then we checked the cinch again, as quite often Doc and Jet puffed out when we first cinched up and the cinch was now loose. Good way to tear up a horse's back - and for a rider to lose control when the loose saddles started to slide.
Now I will be the first to admit that once we were working cows, the horses did most of the work and made it happen. They could and did keep up with the herd over many miles, race up and down Tiger Ridge to help us spot the strays, and could easily turn a stubborn cow back into the bunch once we found her ... but we had to do our part too. Before we could ride the "Tiger" we had to prepare for it and get things ready.
Jesus found a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years and was daily at a famous pool where it was rumored miracles could occur. The man had seen some, but had never experienced any - for he always had an excuse for why he could not be healed. "I am alone and have no one to help me" "Everyone else pushed and shoved me out of the way" " No one cares and I am ignored even by God." For 38 years he had waited for someone to do something and had gotten used to the idea of excusing his own role in his healing. Jesus clearly saw that the greatest obstacle to this man's healing was himself. He simply refused to participate.
"Do you want to be healed?" Jesus asked the man. Stunned, the man just kept making excuses until Jesus told him to take part in his own healing by obeying the command to get up and walk. The man stopped making excuses and simply did what was needed and was healed. Sometimes it is easier to make excuses and be comfortable in our misery than to actually join God in doing something about it.
It's a good question for us to ask ourselves - for miracles do still occur - sometimes through modern medicine, loyal friends and neighbors, and also through the unseen power of the Spirit. But in any case, the first step in healing the body, soul or mind is to get ready for it. Prepare the way for God's miracle to come. The miracle may come swiftly or over a long period of time. Sometimes the healing we pray for isn't the miracle we need and God says "No" because there is something else that we need more. It is not always obvious, but we will never see it at all unless we look for it.
The trail I want to ride may not be the trail God wants me to ride, and I must ride another. But in any case, He looks to me to be ready to ride wherever He sends me. Curry your pony, lay flat your blanket and adjust your saddle. Tighten your cinch and then go back and tighten it again. Now you are ready to ride. Who knows where the Lord will send you now?
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Brother John
The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].
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